Connecting RHS employees, students and volunteers since 1908
History of the Club

1908 – The club is formed
A meeting was held at the Royal Horticultural Hall, Vincent Square, London on 11 February 1908 at which it was formally resolved that an association of present and past students aemployees of the Royal Horticultural Society should be formed. A committee was formed to draw up rules and to consider ideas and suggestions from those eligible for membership.
Thus it has continued to the present day

1929 – The club’s 21st birthday
The then President of the Club Mr F. J. Chittenden opened the Journal writing
[This] is a Club of those who are in the service of the greatest Horticultural Society in the greatest horticultural country in the world. I wish the Club life as long as the world shall last …. and such a sense of responsibility as will keep British horticulture and all it stands for in the forefront of the world’s activities.

2008 – The club’s 100th birthday
The Honorary Editor of the Journal Val Lenthall wrote of the club
The original aim [of the Club] was to keep the staff of Chiswick and Wisley in touch after leaving their employ with the RHS. Even today it is still easy to lose touch and the RHS Gardens Club has not lost its raison d’être.
Reading the reminiscences you have sent us, Wisley is remembered very fondly by ex-students and staff and it has been a leaping board for many very successful and fulfilling careers. Long may it continue!
Join the
RHS Gardens Club
RHS staff, students, apprentices and volunteers (past and present) are eligible to join the RHS Gardens Club.

Our Team
You couldn't get in better hands

Nigel Willis

Brenda Roberts
Honorary Treasurer

Michaela Freed
Contact Us
Get in touch for further information, if you want to send us your news stories or information for the journal.
For general enquiries please use the email form opposite. All fields are required.
Honorary Secretary RHS Gardens Club
c/o RHS Garden Wisley
Surrey GU23 6QB
United Kingdom